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Incident Communications: State and Local Government

State and local government communications consist of the platforms and processes used to manage emergencies. Government bodies leverage alerting solutions and mass notification platforms, to immediately notify and inform recipients of a critical event. The objective is to share critical information promptly to avert the impact of an emergency.

person working for government agency typing on computer to send out a mass notification via OnPage BlastIT

Automate Incident Alerts and Reach The Right Recipients

Incident Management & Collaboration

OnPage system shown across multiple devices showing digital schedule, message threads, reporting dashboard, and an OnPage alert notification.

OnPage is an industry-leading, secure incident management system with patented ALERT-UNTIL-READ technology. State and local government bodies can directly reach organizational “first responders,” who need to know about the critical event to remediate it promptly. Local governments can immediately coordinate with critical responders through a secure, HIPAA-compliant mobile application.

OnPage BlastIT Mass Notifications

OnPage BlastIT mass notification platform shown on desktop and mobile.

BlastIT mass notifications enable local governments to easily inform the public before, during and following any type of potential crisis. It is imperative for government bodies to have a well-thought-out, reliable communication plan, to quickly reach residents affected in an emergency. Residents can receive simultaneous messages via SMS, email and/or phone call.

OnPage BlastIT Mass Notifications

local government communications

What's a Mass Alerting System?

Mass alerting platforms enhance crisis management programs. They enable government bodies to automate and streamline crisis communications during a time-sensitive event. Public safety notifications mitigate the impact of the crisis on employees, internal departments, residents and localities. Instructions can be included in the message to keep recipients prepared, organized and safe.

The Need for a Mass Alerting System

The system enables government organizations to keep the public informed on events including, malicious activities, natural disasters, pandemics, travel risks and more. Mass notification systems help keep the public safe in times of crisis.

BlastIT, OnPage’s mass alerting system, improves on legacy emergency notification platforms. It is a reliable platform that is used by large government organizations across the country. BlastIT messages can be delivered to SMS, email and/or voice, and it does not require additional hardware or software to use.


person on mobile device reading a mass notification delivered via email or SMS.

Unmatched Performance | BlastIT Mass Alerting System


Image describing OnPage BlastIT features including Fast Notifications: BlastIT mass alerting notifies the public 90 percent faster than traditional messaging. Message Acknowledgements: Government bodies can view when members of the public have received and read an alert. Simultaneous Alerts: Send simultaneous notifications to an unlimited number of contacts.

OnPage Incident Management for Critical Responders

OnPage Helps Remediate Critical Events Promptly

OnPage provides a robust incident management system for government. State and local government agencies can directly reach critical responders. OnPage enhances government-to-responder communications and ensures that critical information is shared promptly. Immediate information sharing leads to fast responder dispatching times.

OnPage’s incident management platform offers:

  • Hosted private cloud reliability and message encryption
  • Alert-Until-Read mobile alerts that bypass the silent switch
  • Digital on-call schedules to task and manage response teams
  • Secure two-way communications
  • Alert escalations when on-call responders are unavailable
  • Real-time presence statuses and post-incident reports

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OnPage Incident Management Features

Continuous Industry Success

OnPage is a G2 Leader for incident alert management, consistently receiving recognition for high performance and user satisfaction. Read more reviews!

Brochure: OnPage for Government Response Teams

OnPage for government enables response teams to address an agency’s critical incidents promptly. The goal is to accelerate the delivery of key public services, glitch-free at a lower cost. Learn more by downloading the free brochure.

Brochure: OnPage for Government Response Teams - IT incident alerting and mass notifications for government agencies.

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local government and public safety organizations that use OnPage
