Tag: Secure SMS

November 8, 2018 | by Shawn Lazarus
workflow new blog 1

Improving Hospital Workflow With OnPage Alerting

At many points in a hospital’s functioning, workflow touches the outcome. The problem facing much of healthcare though is that the established workflow for alerting and messaging physicians is broken. What are ways for improving scheduling doctors? What are the potential impacts from improvement? Improving hospital workflow is hindered due to poor on call scheduling Scheduling … Continued

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November 29, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
smart phones

OnPage secure messaging

OnPage is known for its alerting capabilities. A majority of our customers who are MSPs (managed service providers) for example, use OnPage to shoot out distinct alerts. They do this by setting up monitoring tools at their client’s end and this picks up abnormalities. OnPage, in this case, offers alert automation, but that’s not all … Continued

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August 24, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
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Why Pagers Suck!

HIPAA Violations are only the beginning If you’re a healthcare professional you probably use pagers to communicate with your office and with others in your practice. But did you know that using a pager could cost your office $650K for a HIPAA violation? That seems like a lot of money to spend for the liberty … Continued

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