Saint Francis Hospital Eliminates Outdated, Costly Pager Technology by Embracing OnPage

Saint Francis HospitalSaint Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford Connecticut found themselves with an increasing amount of complaints over the 2,000 outdated pagers that their physicians were using.  As they searched for a newer, more reliable and secure technology, they discovered OnPage for smartphones.

OnPage enabled Saint Francis Hospital to eliminate their dedicated pager devices while keeping the functionality of immediate critical messaging. It also eliminated their device rental fees and the inconvenience of carrying around an extra device.  More importantly, with OnPage, the sender is always kept informed on status of the message, thereby enhancing accountability.

“With OnPage, our hospital and its call center have received highest level of reliability. I have not had  one issue with operators sending messages, or physicians and other staff receiving them. OnPage gives us the same features that we depended on with our traditional pagers, but does so much more. OnPage adds functionality to the pager with its delivery confirmation notifications, security with its SSL encryptions, and all at a price that is the same as a traditional pager, minus the expensive monthly fee.”

                                                                  Dave Cote- Manager, Telecom & Network Engineering  

Now that Saint Francis’ completed its integration with OnPage they can enjoy the highest level of reliability for hospital messages, ensure delivery and confirmation of messages, integrate with their organizations contemporary IT systems, and know that the right message gets to the right person at the right time.


