DevOps Pipelines

What're DevOps Pipelines? 

DevOps pipelines are a set of tools and processes used by DevOps teams to develop, test and deploy software. DevOps teams consist of development, operations and software testing members that work collaboratively to create software. Pipelines are used to facilitate the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of code, provide visibility into workflows, and enable teams to automate routine tasks.

DevOps pipelines are central to many organizations that are producing software. This vital nature makes monitoring and incident alerting key. If something goes wrong in a pipeline, it can have significant impact on a team’s ability to ensure application availability. To help avoid these threats, teams should ensure that any pipeline they deploy has effective alert management.

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Components of DevOps Pipelines

Before integrating alert management into a pipeline, it helps to understand the various stages and processes that need monitoring. This includes:

Development: Involves the creation and review of new code. This stage requires access to codebases, version control systems, development environments and code authoring tools. All members need access to tooling in this stage. Additionally, security teams must be able to implement and manage tooling, such as static code analysis tools and user permissions.

Build: Involves basic testing and building of submitted code changes. This stage is entirely automated, making it easier to monitor while requiring less real-time access to tooling or processes.

Testing: Builds are tested with automated testing suites and manual tests. This stage often requires multiple environments, numerous integrations and access from many team members. It may also include external access by customers for user acceptance testing.

Deployment: Involves the packaging and deployment of functioning product versions to staging or production environments. This stage includes many automated configuration tasks and may include connecting environments to customer accessible endpoints.


DevOps Pipelines

Add Incident Alerting to Your Pipelines

Since the top priority of DevOps pipelines is quick product release, adding security tooling is critical. When adding incident alerts, teams should create prioritization policies that ensure team members do not get overwhelmed by alerts. The goal is to continually revise the pipeline to ensure developer productivity is always improving.

OnPage is an award-winning incident alert management solution built for modern response teams. OnPage provides:
