OnPage On the Road

Where in the world is OnPage?
It feels like we’re part of the chorus in a Willy Nelson song these days since we’re On the road again so many times over the upcoming weeks. Unfortunately, we won’t have a funky VW bus to ferry us about. We’ve traded the bus in for airline tickets and hotel rooms. However, we are still very excited about the opportunity to travel around and showcase the OnPage product to the thousands we will meet over the upcoming weeks.
In the next few weeks, you can find OnPage in our home of Boston (love that dirty water) and in Orlando. In Boston, we are Gold Sponsors at DevOpsDays Boston. In Orlando, we are sponsoring the Gartner Symposium/ITXpo in October and IT Nation in November. Each show will be a great opportunity for OnPage to show how our product supports IT and MSP managers as well as responders and stake holders. Here’s what you can expect from each of the venues:
DevOpsDays Boston (Booth #11; September 18th & 19th at the Cyclorama): DevopsDays Boston is one of the East Coast’s big tech events. Hundreds of people attended the 2016 DevOpsDays Boston Conference at the and an even bigger crowd is slated for this year. The OnPage team will be attending the conference for the 2nd time, showcasing how its critical alerting technology and platform can help manage the monitoring and alerting needs of DevOps professionals.
Gartner Symposium/ ITXpo in Orlando (Booth #214; October 1st -5th): The Gartner Symposium/ITxpo is where the world’s top CIOs come to talk, think and learn. We will be at Gartner to discuss how our IoT and IT solutions are changing the way technologists are learning about issues in their technology or manufacturing stack. Come by our booth to talk with us or visit us at our Byte Size Talk on Wednesday at 1:15 pm at ITxpo Stage 3 to hear our presentation.
IT Nation in Orlando (Booth #120; November 8th-10th): This will be OnPage’s third consecutive year attending IT Nation, the mecca for MSPs. Every year, thousands of MSPs and ConnectWise users descend upon Orlando to learn from ConnectWise experts and find new integrations to help their business. OnPage stands out as unique offering at the conference because we are the only critical alerting platform with a direct ConnectWise integration. No email connection to delay service.
That’s a good amount of travel for the next few weeks. So, please come visit OnPage On the Road in Boston and Orlando. Fill out our Contact US form to let us know if you’ll be attending one of the shows. Let’s set up a time to meet.
We’ll be waiting!