Scalable Integrations
Integrates with RMM, PSA, monitoring tools and IOT sensors
Alerting across platforms
Enable message redundancy across platforms. Send alerts via phone, email or through dedicated lines
Chat Ops Alerts
Utilize built-in secure messaging on the application and ChatOps integrations for team collaboration
The OnPage Platform
- Secure, encrypted, HIPAA compliant, two-way messaging
- Send messages and alerts in seconds
- Send messages and alerts to individuals and groups
- Individual and group escalation
- Sync contacts to your device
- Web-based platform access
- Audit trails with read/delivery confirmation.
- Remote wipe capability
- Multiple message redundancy and failover options
- Fault-proof scheduler
- Real-time reporting
Manage and Consolidate Alerts
Multi-Channel Alerting
Enable notifications via e-mail, SMS, mobile push and phone calls
Anomaly Alerts
Receive anomaly alerts on your smartphone from RMM, PSA, monitoring tools and IOT sensors integrated with OnPage
Automate Escalation
Automate alerts by setting an escalation policy, so the next person on the team is alerted if the first does not acknowledge the alert
Prioritize incidents based on incident severity
Communications Hub
Communicate with individuals and groups via secure messages and persistent alerts. Access time stamped alerts using audit trails
Persistent Alerts
Alert up to 5 times faster than pagers with persistent alerting for 8 hours until acknowledgement