Visit us at the Healthcare Messaging Conference 2017, November 29-30, 2017

Join OnPage at the Healthcare Messaging Conference at Harvard Medical School.

OnPage will present a talk on the 29th of November at 5:20 pm. We will discuss the implementation of secure, HIPAA complaint messaging solutions for healthcare facilities. It’s more than wanting to implement a solution. It’s also getting your team on board.

Wednesday and Thursday, November 29-30, 2017 in Boston
Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School


Set up some time with us at the conference.

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See how OnPage simplifies Clinical Communications

Our HIPAA complaint critical messaging service enables healthcare providers to communicate via encrypted and secure text communication with their employees as well as each other. OnPage messages are SSL encrypted and can only be viewed by message participants. Furthermore, OnPage has remote wipe capabilities to further ensure HIPAA compliance.
